Friday, August 3, 2007

#17 Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin

I'm a silly, silly girl. Why do I read novels like this? Oh well. I don't think that it was a good idea for me to have watched the movie so many times before reading this one. It took a lot of the surprise out the story because the movie follows the novel so closely.

I still like Jane Eyre more than any other romantic classic that I've ever read. Come on! There's a crazy lady in the attic! You can't beat that. Besides, I only bawled once during this one, and it took me the whole book to do. I normally bawl several times throughout Jane Eyre. Call me crazy, but it's the truth.

#46 Go to the Playground

I didn't just go to one playground yesterday; I went to two!

That's right. The Cecil Park playground AND one out in McGuffey by Joe Walker Elementary School. I have no idea what it was called. Franklin Park? Something like that. Well, since we are brilliant and went after it was dark to the one by Joe Walker, someone in the area must have "called" and sent someone out to check on us. Oh yeah. We were there for a little bit, and a truck randomly pulled into the parking lot. It just sat there for about five minutes. Then, the man pulled into a space and walked over to us. Megan, Jess, Sara, and I were all just sitting on the ground talking at this point in time. Apparently we weren't "doing anything wrong, but I took your license plate numbers just in case."

Lame. Very Lame. Oh well. We weren't supposed to be there anyway.