Monday, September 17, 2007

#4 Participate in a Swap on Craftster

I'm done!

This is the frame that I received:

My Favorite Pictures:

(because who doesn't love Ikea....)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

#78 Make at least 15 New Friends (7/15)

1. Emily
2. Elise
3. TJ
4. Seth
5. Melissa
7. Alicia

#24 Becoming Jane (3/15)

Katie and I decided today in Gemmell that we wanted to go see Becoming Jane spontaneously.

...and we did.

It was sappy, but I loved it.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

#40 - Get Drunk

To commemorate the last day of band camp a few weeks ago, my apartment decided to have a party.

...'nuff said.