Thursday, December 27, 2007

#2, #17, #24, #47, #77, #80, #90, Major Update

Wow. With a busy semester, I've been doing some serious neglecting of this blog. Anyway, to at least get into the swing of this again, I'm doing some really quick updating.

#2: I'm made a shawl for someone that my mom knows.

#17: The Aeneid, The Odyssey, Gulliver's Travels, and Utopia

#24: Beowulf

#47: We threw a surprise party for Deserie's 21's birthday at 4224.

#77: Brother/Sister Date - Seth and I went to see Beowulf and then went out to eat.

#80: Nailer's Game - 12/27/07 Wheeling 2 - Cincinnati 8

#90: Frau passed away a couple of months ago, which is why I wanted to get into contact with her. I knew that she wasn't doing well. I'll never be able to complete this, so I'm just going to cross it off.