Monday, July 30, 2007

#24 Go to the Movies (2/15)

I've decided that my "watch more movies" goal is going to be "go to the movies at least 15 times." The other one was just put in place to give me some time to decide exactly how I wanted to approach the whole movie goal. After thinking about it tonight, I realized how little I actually go see movies in a theater. Therefore, I've decided to stray away from the original plan of watching a set number of classic movies to seeing movies in the theater.

That being said, I've seen the new Harry Potter movie and Hairspray this summer.

Friday, July 27, 2007

#21 Buy at Least 15 New Cds (2/15)

I technically only paid $1.25 for the new Tegan and Sara cd "The Con" at Target tonight. Allow me to explain. While I was bored at work a few days ago, I went through my wallet. Much to my surprise I found two Target gift cards left over from Christmases past. (In other words, who knows how old they are.) So I decided to take a chance and use them up. After the girl rang up my (ON SALE FOR $9.99) cd and scanned my cards, she looked at me and said, "That will be $1.25." GAH! Needless to say, I was happy.

#4 Participate in a Swap on Craftster

Gah! I'm totally in a swap. It's the Disposable Camera Swap on Craftster. Instead of crafting something, which is slightly intimidating to me, I get to take someone on a "picture tour" of where I'm from and send them the undeveloped camera. I think that I'm going to take half of my pictures in McDonald and the other half in Clarion since I don't have to send the camera out until August 20th.

I'm thinking about taking pictures of these things in McDonald:
-the "Welcome to McDonald sign"
-the Jay Livingston sign
-the Pittsburgh cookie company
-the one lane road under the railroad track
-my school
-the Pharmacy ice cream counter
-some cows

Clarion pictures perhaps?
-Clarion University sign
-the trestle

Oh gosh! I'm so excited to ride around taking pictures.

#17 Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban

Yet again, don't judge me.

I think that this might be my favorite out of all of the books. Now, don't start thinking, "How does she know!?! She's only read three of them!" I have seen all of the movies, and I believe this was my favorite movie as well. We'll just have to wait and see if I change my mind after I finish reading all of them.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

#17 Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys

I'm not sure how I feel about this one. It's the story of Bertha: the crazy lady that Mr. Rochester was "fooled" into marrying. It's not a very well written story in my opinion. If you haven't read Jane Eyre, this one wouldn't have any significance to you at all. Furthermore, names were almost never mentioned throughout the story, so it was even difficult for me to follow. I've only read Jane Eyre more times than I can remember.

It was interesting to see what someone thought happened to Bertha and Mr. Rochester. End of story.

#17 Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets

Don't judge me.

Monday, July 23, 2007

#85 Send a Secret to PostSecret

I made my postcard today, and I'm sending it tomorrow.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

#17 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

I finally gave in to peer pressure. I, Amy, read a Harry Potter book.

....and I completely loved every YA Lit minute of it. Look out world! I've only got six more to read before I go back to Clarion.

#98 Grow My Hair Out

After a year of growing, I declare my hair to be officially below my shoulders. It's been kinda an emotional ride, but I feel 100% better. If you want to know the details and why this was significant to me, just ask sometime.

Needless to say, it's good to be me again.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

#17 On the Road by Jack Kerouac

This book seriously took me a month to finish, but don't judge me! Shh! I was a way a lot. (Camping, Bonnaroo, Cape May, Purdue. You get the picture.) However, I loved it! I can't wait until they come out with the new edition of On the Road with all of "beat" things that were taken out of the originally published version.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

#38 Visit 5 Chapters of Kappa Kappa Psi That I've Never Been to Before (1/5)

Gamma Pi here I come!

...or rather, there I went. Yes, this past weekend I went with Karl, who was originally from Kappa Gamma, to Purdue University so that he could start moving things into he new apartment. Since he was stopping at my house to sleep halfway to and from Indiana, I declared myself his traveling buddy by default if he needed me, which he did. Since he is going to be living with a couple of Brothers, I was able to meet some of the Gamma Pi clan: RJ, Kim, and Bobby. I stayed with Kim and RJ at Karl's new apartment, and I ended up meeting Bobby when we went out to eat. Yes, I declare this to be one chapter visited. Only four more to go!