Friday, July 27, 2007

#4 Participate in a Swap on Craftster

Gah! I'm totally in a swap. It's the Disposable Camera Swap on Craftster. Instead of crafting something, which is slightly intimidating to me, I get to take someone on a "picture tour" of where I'm from and send them the undeveloped camera. I think that I'm going to take half of my pictures in McDonald and the other half in Clarion since I don't have to send the camera out until August 20th.

I'm thinking about taking pictures of these things in McDonald:
-the "Welcome to McDonald sign"
-the Jay Livingston sign
-the Pittsburgh cookie company
-the one lane road under the railroad track
-my school
-the Pharmacy ice cream counter
-some cows

Clarion pictures perhaps?
-Clarion University sign
-the trestle

Oh gosh! I'm so excited to ride around taking pictures.

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