Monday, April 30, 2007

Making the List

I've decided to participate in the 101 in 1001 days project. Now it's time for the hard part: getting started. I'm going to officially start my 1001 days on May 9, 2007, and end on February 3, 2010.

The List:

1. learn how to crochet
2. knit an article of clothing for someone other than myself
3. start a knitting club on campus
4. participate in a swap on craftster
5. participate in the world wide KIP day
6. make a scrapbook of my college memories
7. participate in a craft show
8. design and make a dress for myself
9. subscribe to a knitting magazine
10. screen print a shirt for someone
11. knit a pair of socks
12. knit mittens
13. teach someone else how to knit

Reading and Writing
14. get a poem published
15. read all of the books that I own but haven't read yet
16. finish a paper 3 days before it is actually due
17. read more (specifics to follow)
18. read the bible cover-to-cover
19. participate in Banned Books Week
20. discover 3 more favorite poets

Music and Movies
21. buy at least 15 cds (0/15) [I burn too many]
22. get a better record player
23. buy 10 records
24. watch more movies (specifics to follow)
25. go to the movies by myself
26. go see a movie premier at midnight

Learning New Things
27. learn how to play the guitar
28. learn how to swing dance
29. learn how to drive a standard
30. learn how to make Belgian pie all on my own
31. learn how to play Euchre

32. visit a national park
33. travel outside of the US
34. go to New York City
35. go on a roadtrip to nowhere in particular (more than one day long)
36. fly in a plane
37. get a passport
38. travel to at least 5 chapters of KKPsi that I've never been to before
39. travel to National Headquarters in Stillwater, Oklahoma

Fun Things
40. get drunk
41. see Ben Kweller in concert
42. see The Phantom of the Opera
43. go to Bonnaroo
44. sing karaoke in public
45. finish an entire coloring book
46. go to the playground
47. throw a surprise party
48. grow a flower from seed
49. go ice skating
50. go to the drive-in
51. go to Phipps conservatory
52. see Rocky Horror live
53. go to a DCI show
54. go out in my paddle boat 5 times
55. win something
56. fly a kite
57. take my niece and nephew sled ridding

Health and Fitness
58. floss my teeth once a day every day for a month
59. get at least 8 hours of sleep for one week straight
60. go to the rec twice a week for a month
61. bike the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania
62. go on a walk every day for 2 weeks
63. buy a Richard Simmons work-out video
64. use said video three times a week for a month!
65. do the "big chop"
66. try out polyphasic sleep

Growing Up
67. put the neon to pasture and get a newer car
68. graduate
69. find a teaching job
70. save $1001
71. vote [I'm register but have never done it]
72. actually keep track of my checkbook for a month straight
73. get my own phone plan
74. donate all clothing that I haven't worn since high school

Family and Friends
75. write a letter to my mother telling why I love her
76. arrange for a family picture to be taken
77. go out on a brother/sister date with Seth
78. make at least 15 new friends
79. go camping with my dad
80. go to a nailer's game with my dad
81. make dinner for my family including dessert
82. make an iMovie for my Mom and Dad
83. spend at least two weekends with Megan at Cal

84.go a week without the internet
85. send a secret to PostSecret
86. complete 26 things
87. donate blood three times
88. make a half-batch of gullets on my own and give them away
89. randomly make someone a present
90. contact Frau Schaller
91. get my picture taken with someone famous
92. fall in love
93. buy a chocolate fountain
94. keep my room clean for a month
95. solve a rubik's cube
96. Help a Little become a Brother [my last little dropped out]
97. wake up for one month without hitting the snooze button [a challenge by G18]
98. grow my hair out to below my shoulders
99. make this blog pretty
100. donate a dollar for every task not completed at the end of my 1001 days
101. write a new list

And as a special request by Jess Kline:
102. have a bun in the oven (evidently she finds this hilarious)


Megan said...

I'm glad that you are doing this too. Hopefully we will keep one another motivated... I really hope we both make it the full 1001 days.

Megan said...

also- I will Knit In Public with you this year if I am not busy.