Monday, May 7, 2007

In Progress Already

Well, with only a couple days before the official "start" of my 1001 days, I'm slightly nervous. I have no idea if I'll be able to complete this whole list. However, I did cheat some; I put things that I'm already in the process of completing.

#3. start a knitting club on campus:
I was just too lazy/busy to get it started. We already have most of the constitution written and an adviser picked out.

#96. have a Little Brother:
Right now I have a Little at the GCC colony.

#98. grow my hair out to below my shoulders:
Hehe. I've been working on this one since about March '06.

Before the first fateful haircut:

(June '05)

When it got ridiculously short:

(March '06)

I was also tempted to do #40 this weekend, but, alas, I'm broke. It wasn't an option.

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